So, what do you get, at no cost? Agents receive the following:
Exclusive postcode area of operation with sole access to all Cottage Kit Homes leads generated in that area.
Personalised, dedicated Cottage Kit Homes website which agents may integrate into their own website, if they have one – see sample.
Personalised Cottage Kit Homes digital brochure which prospects may download or the agents may have printed (at their own cost) to supply direct to prospects – see sample.
Personalised Cottage Kit Homes advertisement which agents may use to promote Cottage Kit Homes in newspapers and similar media in their area of operation – see sample.
Access to our in-house design team, for the preparation of drawings for planning and building regulation approvals.
A commission of 15% on the final supply price for all Cottage Kit Homes sold. NB Cottage Kit Homes are invoiced on a pro-forma basis and, as is customary in the timber frame sector, customers will be required to pay us 7 days prior to delivery. Agent commissions are paid in accordance with the terms of the Agency Agreement.
Benefit from our national promotion of the Cottage Kit Homes brand through social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google+ and search engines such as Google and Yahoo. We will also be attending self-build exhibitions throughout the UK and advertising in self-build magazines such as Build It, Self-Build and Homebuilding & Renovating.